Cynthia Farren Consulting White Papers
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Maximizing Return on Investment Through Software Asset Management Whitepaper
Whitepaper documenting the real dollar savings of a number of firms throughout the United States. Detailed, accurate Software Asset Management (SAM) data is critical to the success of many initiatives. This whitepaper demonstrates real-life examples of significant Return On Investment (ROI) through SAM.
Software Asset Management Implications on Mergers & Acquisitions Whitepaper
Mergers and acquisitions between companies create unique challenges when it comes to managing assets successfully. Answering basic questions about the software each company licenses can play a vital role in the success of any merger, acquisition, or divestiture. Not only does a sound Software Asset Management (SAM) strategy help companies ensure the success of a merger or acquisition, but it can save money by optimizing investments throughout the companies while also providing the needed business clarity.